The bank caclulates loan interest as "simple" interest& for every payment period, multiply the current outstanding principal by the current interest rate to determine the interest payment. 银行用“简单”利息的方法计算贷款利息-在每个还款期间,用当前未还清的本金乘以当前利率,从而计算出应付的利息。
A representative for Mr Williams declined to comment on the loan notes outstanding and on the possibility of any future litigation. 卫兴华的一位代理人拒绝就未偿还欠款和未来诉讼的可能性置评。
The loan payback record is outstanding at almost 100 percent. 百分之百,100%贷款的偿还纪录非常良好,几乎达到百分之百。
Bailout loan: Loan made to Borrower whose ability to service outstanding indebtedness has become doubtful. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet. 拯救性贷款:即贷给偿债能力已出现问题的借款人的贷款。大部分可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
Average loan life-ALL: A composite indicator of how long a loan remains outstanding. 贷款平均偿付期限(简写为ALL):表示一笔贷款积欠时间的综合指标。
Further, at this stage the loan losses reserves for the average outstanding loan are slightly over 2 cents on the dollar. 此外,目前贷款损失准备金相对平均未偿贷款的比率略超过2%。
Data from the Bank of Spain showed that the non-performing loan ratio of Spanish banks rose to 8.7 per cent of their outstanding portfolios in April – the highest in almost two decades. 西班牙央行的数据显示,西班牙银行的不良贷款占贷款余额的比率在4月升至8.7%,为近二十年的最高水平。
The Shareholder's Loan remains due and outstanding to the Vendor, free from and clear of any right of off-setting, counter-claims, subordination, encumbrance or other restriction of whatever nature. 未偿清的股东贷款必须支付给买方。股东的贷款不带任何抵销权、反索赔权、附属权、债务权或其他任何性质的约束。
A customer having a loan outstanding with the bank tends to increase the probability of his continued patronage. 顾客在这家银行有未偿还的贷款,则倾向于继续光顾这家银行。
Prime loans have less than half the originally securitised loan balance outstanding, after prepayments and losses, and the lowest amount of nonperforming loans. 剔除预付和亏损后,优质贷款中只有不到一半原证券化贷款的余额,而其不良贷款数额最低。
To know that there is serious problems in not only the bank credit, security credit of our nation, but also in insurance industry, especially in finance leasing, in which bad loan and or doubtful loan or outstanding rentals commonly existed. 我国银行信用严重失衡,证券信用存在严重问题,保险业在迅速发展的主旋律中有着不和谐的音符,金融租赁中欠租现象普遍。
Private loan outstanding contributions to the socio-economic development of our country, to make up for the lack of formal financial promote the private economy especially the development of private small and medium enterprises. 民间借贷对我国社会经济的发展贡献突出.弥补了正规金融的不足,促进了民营经济特别是民营中小企业的发展。
However, as a part of financial service vocation in the market-oriented economic system of asymmetric information, student loan is confronted with two outstanding problems: the banks 'serious credit rationing and the students' loan default. 然而,助学贷款作为在市场经济体制下存在着严重信息不对称的银行业的一项业务,存在两个突出问题:银行存在的信贷供给不足和学生拖欠贷款。